Wednesday, April 15, 2015

3D Robotics gets Solo "smart drone" off the ground

The 3DR Solo quadcopter is a consumer-level quadcopter designed to make impressive aerial ...

3D Robotics, the company that grew out of the popular DIY drones website and the imagination of Wired Magazine Editor Chris Anderson, has announced a new consumer level quadcopter drone called the Solo. Touting its latest creation as "a breakthrough in intelligent flight," 3DR's new drone leans away from 3DR’s roots in hobbyist, DIY UAV flying in favor of a a slick, packaged, all-in-one consumer-oriented system that works right out of the box with a minimum of fuss. .. Continue Reading 3D Robotics gets Solo "smart drone" off the ground

Section: Aircraft

Tags: 3D Robotics, Drone, Quadcopter, UAV, Unmanned

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