Thursday, February 5, 2015

Micro-flyer drone could help a robot to fight fires on ships

The micro-flyer scouts the hallways of the USS Shadwell (Photo: CMU)

This week, the US Office of Naval Research released details regarding a demo of its Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot (SAFFiR) conducted last November. The robot, as its name implies, is designed to help human crews fight fires in the close confines of naval vessels. In order to get to those fires quicker, SAFFiR may ultimately receive some help itself from an autonomous drone, that was also part of the demonstration. .. Continue Reading Micro-flyer drone could help a robot to fight fires on ships

Section: Aircraft

Tags: Autonomous, Carnegie Mellon, Drone, Firefighting, Mapping, ONR, Quadcopter, Reconnaissance, Ships, US Navy

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